7 benefits of fenugreek for beard growth

Fenugreek is one of the ancient herbs having tremendous health benefits. It has been used for medicinal purposes and in Indian dishes for ages. 

fenugreek for beard growth

It is either consumed as a supplement, powdered or original form, which is seeds. Have you ever thought that we could use fenugreek for beard growth?

Fenugreek is a herb for beard growth high in vitamins, protein, and minerals required for beard growth. Studies have shown that fenugreek consumption can increase testosterone levels. In men, testosterone is responsible for facial hair growth, bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass, and sperm production.

In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of fenugreek for facial hair growth, nutritional values, recommended dosage, and side effects. To grab knowledge about fenugreek, read the entire blog.

Fenugreek for beard growth: Nutritional values

Fenugreek or Trigonella foenum-graecum is an annual plant with white flower and pods which gives brown fenugreek seeds.

According to research, fenugreek seeds have been used for medicinal purposes to cure problems like digestion, diabetes, labor induction, and hair fall and improve metabolism and overall health.

fenugreek nutritional value

Fenugreek is always a part of Indian dishes in the form of spice, powder, leaves, and thickening agents for improving the nutritional profile and adding nutty, sweet flavors.

Fenugreek is also used in soap and shampoos. They are beneficial for reducing hair fall and treating various skin conditions.

Let us have a look at the nutritional content of fenugreek.

Fenugreek is a rich source of protein, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, and B9(folate), vitamin C and minerals like iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and many more.

Vitamins B and C and minerals like calcium, zinc, and magnesium promote beard growth. Fenugreek has the nutritional content that promotes beard growth.

How fenugreek stimulates beard growth?

According to a study, when half of 30 resistance-trained men consumed fenugreek supplements for 8 Weeks, they observed an increase in their testosterone levels, strength, and reduction in body fat.

fenugreek for beard growth

Also, the group not taking it suffered a decline in their testosterone level.

The above study says taking testosterone in recommended dosage can boost testosterone levels in men. 

The testosterone hormone is responsible for various crucial factors like bone density, muscle mass, fat distribution, sperm production, body hair, and facial hair growth in men.

We have also discussed the vitamins and minerals of fenugreek required for beard growth in the above section. 

In this manner, we can say fenugreek helps stimulate facial hair growth.

Benefits of fenugreek for facial hair growth

Fenugreek, in various forms, from consuming its seeds to leaf extract, helps combat problems regarding facial hair growth. Let us focus on the benefits of fenugreek for beard growth:

fenugreek for facial hair growth

Treats beard dandruff:

Have you seen the white flakes on your beard? You might consider it your regimen mistake or unhygienic living, but it happens due to Seborrheic dermatitis.

It is a yeast growth that ruins the environment of your skin, and when your skin responds, you suffer redness, itching, white flakes, and greasy patches.

According to the study, when 30% aqueous fenugreek leaf extract optimized with sodium alginate was applied to the skin affected with Malassezia furfur, the gel formulation of fenugreek cured it in 3 months.

Also, when topically applied to the rabbits, they were irritation free and suitable for sensitive skin. 

We can therefore conclude that fenugreek leaf aqueous extract is an effective herbal treatment for dandruff and other cutaneous fungal infections.

Analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties:

According to the research, fenugreek seed extract has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. 

Even though the experiment was conducted on rats, the results should be similar to those found in humans since rats and humans are genetically similar.

The ingestion of fenugreek extract or applying it topically can help reduce inflammation. Also, it helps to combat pain.

Fight against hair fall:

As we have already discussed, fenugreek is rich in vitamin B2(riboflavin), B9(folate), and minerals like iron and zinc. 

These vitamins and minerals help condition and strengthen hair from within and reduce excessive shredding of the beard.

Fenugreek helps with nourishment and combat hair fall.

Prevent premature greying:

Melanin is responsible for the pigmentation of your skin, hair, and eyes. 

Premature greying could happen because of low melanin production, heating tools, sun damage, or vitamin B12 or B6 deficiency.

Fenugreek seeds are rich in minerals like iron, calcium, and zinc. All of them help in melanin production.

If you take fenugreek in the recommended dosage, you can increase melanin production and find your natural beard color back.

Also, avoid the sun and heating tools and take balanced meals rich in vitamins for better results.

Repair damaged hair:

Split ends, dry beard, roughness, and patchiness are some signs of damaged hair. Beard damage can happen because of dehydration, heat styling, chemicals, sun damage, or color treatments.

Fenugreek contains amino acids, lecithin, and protein, which help repair damaged hair shafts, creating a barrier between skin and hair and sealing in moisture.

Adds shine and soften beard:

Lecithin, found in fenugreek, is an emulsifier with water-absorbing properties. It helps to enhance the amount of protein for beard growth and adds shine and luster by improving the beard texture.

It’s the best moisturizer for dry, brittle hair and helps to absorb products deeply. So best for repairing damaged hair.

Antioxidant properties:

Natural antioxidants in fenugreek help combat oxidative stress caused by free radicals in your hair follicles. As a result, it strengthens hair roots and promotes better beard growth.

How to apply fenugreek for better beard growth?

There are two ways to apply fenugreek for beard growth. Try according to your need.

fenugreek for beard growth

Fenugreek oil for beard growth

There is a lot of fenugreek oil present in the market. You can pick from the below suggestions.

 All you need to do is, apply a few drops of fenugreek oil after washing your beard in the night and let it absorb overnight. 

You can also use it as a beard oil after a shower. Do not over-apply it. Otherwise, you might look greasy all day.

Recommended fenugreek oil:

Fenugreek seeds for facial hair growth 

Another way to use fenugreek is, using its soaked seed as a mask.

Here, you need to soak fenugreek seed for at least 6 hours and grind it to make a paste.

Now, apply this paste before your beard wash. Make sure to wait for 20 minutes after the application.

This beard mask will soften your beard and make it stronger from roots.

Does consumption of fenugreek help beard growth?

Fenugreek seeds have been used in Indian cuisine for ages as a flavoring agent. So, of course, it is safe to consume. 

fenugreek help beard growth

It has medicinal properties and is used in various treatments like diabetes, digestion, labor induction, treating blood pressure, and many more.

According to clinicaltrials, men aged 43-70 go through fenugreek supplementation to analyze the effects of testosterone levels, body composition, health-related quality of life, anxiety, and aging symptoms.

After taking 400mg-500mg of fenugreek on a daily basis for 12 weeks, the researchers found increased serum testosterone and free testosterone.

Also, they concluded fenugreek supplementation helps reduce symptoms of possible androgen deficiency, improves sexual function, and increases serum testosterone in healthy middle-aged to older men.

Along with the improved aging male symptoms, fenugreek helps maintain testosterone levels in healthy men aged 25 to 45.

The above study proves that fenugreek has the potential to boost testosterone. Testosterone is a hormone responsible for various functions like body hair, facial hair, bone mass, sperm production, and muscle mass in men. 

High levels of testosterone mean healthy beard growth in men. So we can say consumption of fenugreek help stimulate beard growth.

What happens if you take fenugreek every day?

Fenugreek is possibly safe to consume daily but in recommended dosage. In the next section, we will discuss the safe dosage of fenugreek. 

If you start taking fenugreek daily, it will help lower bad cholesterol, sugar levels, and weight and boost testosterone levels in men.

But make sure you ask your doctor before adding the herb to your diet

Taking fenugreek might be allergic for people who have an allergy to the Fabaceae family, which include peanuts, soybean, green peas, etc.

How much fenugreek is too much?

So it depends on which form you are taking, fenugreek. Fenugreek seed powder up to 5-10 grams daily for 3 Years is safe. Fenugreek seed extract (slightly concentrated) can be safe up to 0.6-1.2 grams daily.

You can use fenugreek seeds for flavoring in your food. It is the best way to use fenugreek.

But as I told you, never randomly start taking any herb because you might be unaware of your allergies or health issues, which can lead to a health concern.

Side effects: Why should you avoid fenugreek?

side effects fenugreek for beard growth

Well, consuming fenugreek for beard growth in your diet is safe, but do not exceed the daily limit, which can lead to problems like diarrhea, stomach upset, allergies, bloating, gas, nausea, headache, and harmful drop in blood sugar.

Fenugreek is not safe for pregnant women, children, and people allergic to the Fabaceae family. They should avoid fenugreek in any form.


Fenugreek for beard growth is the best way to deal with beard loss, beard dandruff, dryness, inflammation, premature greying, and damaged hair.

We analyzed fenugreek in different forms and found when consumed daily can affect better for beard growth by boosting testosterone, fulfilling vitamin deficiencies, and much more.

Topical application of fenugreek for facial hair growth is not a very effective way. It might help you with dandruff and inflammation, but no studies have proven its effectiveness for beard regrowth.


How to use fenugreek on the face?

There are three ways to use fenugreek on the face. You can use fenugreek extract-based beard oil, a soaked fenugreek seeds face mask, and lastly, you can apply fenugreek oil that comes in the market.

How long does it take for fenugreek seeds to work?

It depends on the outcome you are expecting with fenugreek. If you are using fenugreek for hair growth, then it might take at least 4-6 months. If your motive is to exfoliate the skin and eliminate hair dryness, you can achieve this with 3-4 times of usage.

Does fenugreek boost testosterone?

Yes, fenugreek is an effective way to boost testosterone levels in men. According to the research, when middle-aged men consumed fenugreek supplementation for 12 weeks, they found an increase in their serum testosterone, reduced androgen deficiency, and better sexual function.

Does fenugreek actually work?

Fenugreek is an effective herb for curing tremendous problems like controlling sugar levels in diabetic patients, reducing menstrual cramps, sexual problems, enlarged prostate, high cholesterol, obesity, and hair fall conditions. It actually works in many ways.

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