Does creatine help beard growth? check out 8 myths

Creatine has always been crucial in enhancing athletes’ performance and muscle power in the fitness world.

But now creatine like minoxidil is grabbing the attention of the grooming enthusiast to boost beard growth. The question is, does creatine help beard growth?

The study says creatine monohydrate supplementation helps to boost the levels of dihydrotestosterone to testosterone ratio in athletes. High levels of testosterone and DHT may help to enhance beard growth. However, no study directly supports that creatine is effective for beard health.

In addition, factors like genetics, lifestyle, grooming routine, stress levels, sleep, and more are crucial for beard growth.

Join us to explore the science, myths, and realities surrounding the link between creatine and beard growth.

Understanding creatine:

What is creatine?

The three amino acids arginine, glycine, and methionine are the building blocks of creatine. They reside in the brain and muscles of the body.

man drinking creatine for beard growth

The muscles which store creatine produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is a kind of energy cell used for high-intensity, short-duration activities, such as weightlifting or sprinting.

In our body, the liver and pancreas create 1gm of creatine per day, which is insufficient for people doing high-intensity workouts.

They either include red meat and seafood or take oral supplementation to boost their athletic performance and increase muscle mass.

Also, It improves strength, muscle mass, and performance and reduces dehydration frequency, muscle injuries, cramping, and ligament and bone injuries.

It has been helping to treat brain disorders, neuromuscular conditions, congestive heart failure, and skin aging.

Creatine Types: Which one is suitable for beards?

There are several kinds of creatine, like monohydrate, ethyl ester, hydrochloride, buffered, micronized, nitrate, and liquid.

The best form of creatine is monohydrate, suitable for beard growth. Creatine monohydrate is the most safe and most researched form of creatine in terms of safety and effectiveness.

Still, I recommend to consult a healthcare professional before starting any supplementation. Also, results may vary from person to person.

Understanding the science behind beard growth

In the quest for a luscious and thick beard, people become curious and impatient when they find new secret ingredients. 

does creatine help beard growth

However, applying any ingredient is not enough to boost beard growth. 

Some factors affect beard more than just applying things topically.

Here, I have listed a few factors:


Your family genes and history are crucial to determine beard growth pattern, thickness, and density.

If your father or grandfather did not have thick beards, you can not fill your patches by eating or applying things.


Your age matters a lot. Your twenties are when your hormones stimulate more, and you might have experienced better growth. Hormones steadily wane with age, which impacts how quickly your beard grows.


Testosterone and DHT are particularly crucial for facial hair growth. Mostly, people mistook this fact and try to boost hormones as much as possible. 

However, the excess is always worse. So, improving hormone levels at certain limits should be considered.

Balanced diet:

Including balanced nutrition or foods rich in vitamins and minerals can accelerate beard growth. Vitamins like A, C, E, biotin, and omega-3 fatty acids are necessary.


Regular exercise helps to stimulate testosterone production and improve the blood flow in the body. Improved blood flow means better nutrition delivery to the hair follicles, leading to better facial hair growth.


No matter if it pertains to physical or mental health, stress is always a justification.

Chronic stress can negatively impact hormone levels, especially testosterone. Managing stress through meditation and relaxation procedures can help to improve overall health.


Daily deep sleeping for 8 hours can improve digestive function, reduce stress, and be vital for overall well-being. 

Better digestion and a calm mind are crucial for facial hair growth.

Moreover, quality sleep releases growth hormones required for better beard growth.

Grooming routine:

A professional grooming routine includes cleansing, moisturizing, styling, and sometimes exfoliating.

Cleanse with a mild cleanser, apply beard oil, and style accordingly. Include exfoliation twice a week. Over-scrubbing your beard can make it dry and frizzy. 

You need to follow the steps twice a day to see visible improvement. 

Does creatine help beard growth?

No substantial scientific evidence proves creatine supplementation enhances facial hair growth. 

men having creatine supplemenat

Creatine is a compound that usually helps to build muscle performance, energy, and growth, especially during high-intensity activities.

However, there is a study where 20 college-aged rugby players are dosed with creatine supplementation for 7 Days(25gm) followed by 14 days(5gm) of maintenance experienced an increase in their dihydrotestosterone(DHT) up to 56%. 

Also, the dihydrotestosterone to testosterone ratio increased by 36% and remained at 22% during maintenance.

In this way, we can say high levels of DHT and T: DHT can impact beard growth positively. However, research on the supplement has always focused on its effects on muscle performance, and its evidence for facial hair growth is untouched.

Also, you can’t depend on hormones to boost beard growth, but age, genetics, and lifestyle matters.

Creatine may or may not help beard growth. The results will vary from person to person. You need to pay attention to all the factors rather than just enhancing testosterone in the body.If you want to consider creatine for beard growth, consult a healthcare professional before initiating supplementation.

How to use creatine for beard growth:

Recommended dosage and usage of creatine for beard growth:

If you’re considering using creatine for any purpose, including the potential influence on facial hair growth, it’s crucial to prioritize your overall health and follow safe usage guidelines:

1. Consultation with a Healthcare Professional:

Before including any supplementation in your diet, including creatine, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional so that they can analyze your health status, any pre-existing conditions, and potential interactions with other medications.

2. Recommended Dosage:

According to a study, people who take creatine during their workout regimen should take 20gm of creatine in the loading phase and distribute the dosage in 4-5 servings.

The loading phase helps in increasing muscle creatine stores.

After one week, they should reduce the dosage to 3-4 gm of creatine per day to maintain the creatine levels in the muscles. 

If you are not an athlete, I recommend 3-4 gm of creatine monohydrate for improving muscle energy and hormone levels.

3. Hydration:

Creatine may reduce hydration levels, so drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated.

4. Consistency:

Consistency is the key. If you want visible results for fitness levels or beard growth, take creatine consistently as directed.

Tips for maximizing the benefits of creatine for beard growth

Choose a quality creatine

Creatine monohydrate can be available at different prices, but you have to choose the reliable brand or the brand suggested by the healthcare professional.

Before purchasing, ensure that the creatine has no additives and is present in the purest form. Usually, a well-established brand may have the quality creatine you can believe.

Stay hydrated

Creatine enhances water retention in the muscles, so keeping yourself hydrated is crucial.

So, drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated.

Combine with exercise

Resistance exercise increases the effectiveness of creatine. Frequent strength training activities may optimize creatine’s potential benefits for muscle growth, which may improve the development of beards.

Take proper dosage

Never take any supplements in excess. As I recommended, take 20gm of creatine for the loading phase, followed by 3-4gm intake after 1 week.

If you are not involved in resistance training, do not take creatine more than 5gm.

You must consult a doctor before initiating the usage.

Improve lifestyle

Adding a supplement and expecting a beard growth is not enough. Improve your lifestyle habits like sleeping patterns, eating, exercising, and stress management.

Have patience

Beard growth depends on many factors, like hormones and genetics. So do not over-expect from creatine. It may or may not bring any change. If it does, it may take time, more than you expected.

What are the side effects of consuming creatine?

According to a report, long-term creatine supplementation does not cause any critical adverse effects in athletes. It is usually considered safe, but like other supplement, creatine can affect some people in the following ways:

an upset man showing side effects of creatine

Gastrointestinal Distress: 

When using creatine, some people may have bloating, diarrhea, or discomfort in their stomach. These can be cured by drinking plenty of water and taking creatine with meals. 

Muscle cramping: 

A few reports say that creatine consumption can cause muscle cramping. However, it is not a severe effect and is curable with drinking plenty of water.


Although creatine doesn’t directly induce dehydration, it may make muscles retain more water. To offset this effect, you must ensure that you are hydrated by consuming enough water.

Weight Gain: 

Because creatine causes the muscles to retain water, there may be a temporary increase in body weight. It is typically transient and is not fat gain.

Kidney strain (in those with a history of renal disease):

High creatine dosages used over an extended period may potentially strain the kidneys, according to some research. Before using creatine, people with pre-existing kidney issues should speak with their healthcare provider.

Liver Enzymes levels:

There is little evidence to suggest that creatine may increase certain people’s liver enzyme levels. More research is necessary to demonstrate a correlation.

Allergy Responses:

Although incredibly rare, some individuals may have allergies to the supplement’s other components or creatine. Get help immediately if you have symptoms like breathing difficulties, edema, or itching.

It’s crucial to remember that many of these adverse effects are rare, and when taken as prescribed, creatine is usually well tolerated. Furthermore, a great deal of research has not been able to show any appreciable side effects from supplementing with creatine at recommended dosages.

What should you know before taking creatine supplements?

Several myths and misunderstandings must be clear in your mind before creatine consumption. Some popular myths are as follows:

Myth 1: 


Rather than being a steroid, creatine is a naturally occurring substance found in trace levels in some meals. It has nothing to do with the anabolic drugs that help to increase performance.

Myth 2: 


Several studies have demonstrated that creatine is usually safe for healthy individuals when taken in approved dosages. However, before consuming creatine, people with pre-existing kidney issues should speak with a healthcare provider.

Myth 3:


The initial weight gain associated with creatine occurs due to increased muscle water content, not fat.

 Creatine has the potential to gradually increase lean muscle mass when used in conjunction with resistance training.

Myth 4:


It’s a common misperception that creatine is solely advantageous for weightlifters. 

People who participate in sports and physical activities can benefit from creatine. It can improve performance in tasks that require quick, intense energy bursts.

Myth 5: 


A loading phase is not crucial, even though it can saturate muscle stores more quickly. Many people benefit from a lower maintenance dose that doesn’t require loading.

Myth 6:


Both men and women can benefit from creatine. Studies have indicated that it is beneficial for increasing muscle mass, strength, and power in people of different genders.

Myth 7: 


These claims have no scientific evidence. It’s advised to stay hydrated,

to get the most out of creatine and avoid any adverse effects

Myth 8: 

If you consume creatine daily, you can take it at any time of the day. When taking creatine supplements, there is no set schedule.

Making judgments about creatine should be based on reliable data and empirical research.


Creatine for beard growth may influence your overall health, but there is no direct relation between creatine supplementation and facial hair growth.

While creatine is famous for enhancing athletic performance and muscle growth, its impact on beard growth is not a well-documented or guaranteed outcome.

Creatine is usually considered safe, but you must consult your doctor before starting it, as it may impact your health in several ways.

In addition, factors like hormones, genetics, lifestyle, and age are crucial for beard growth. So you must consider all instead of just judging creatine’s performance.


Is creatine a safe supplement?

When used at recommended dosages, creatine is usually considered safe. It has been thoroughly studied and is frequently used to improve muscle growth and athletic performance. However, before using creatine, people with pre-existing kidney conditions should speak with a healthcare provide

Should I take creatine without working out?

Even though resistance training is the ideal combination for creatine use, taking it alone will also have some advantages. However, when combined with consistent exercise, its full potential is achieved.

Does creatine increase testosterone?

Creatine does not directly increase testosterone levels. Increasing muscle water content and boosting cell energy production are its mechanisms. The main benefits are increased muscle growth and athletic performance, with a minor hormonal effect also suggested by some research.

Does creatine cause hair loss?

There is no scientific proof that supplements containing creatine cause hair loss. A complicated problem influenced by hormones, heredity, and other variables is hair loss. Currently, insufficient evidence supports the claim that creatine causes or exacerbates hair loss.

Does creatine cause baldness?

It is not proven beyond a reasonable doubt that creatine causes baldness. There isn’t much evidence linking hair loss and creatine supplementation. The likelihood of baldness is influenced more by hormonal factors, genetic predisposition, and general health than by creatine intake.

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