10 Best herbs for beard growth in 2024(natural options)

Nature has blessed us with the best herbs for beard growth, yet we still use chemical-based products. 

Herbs are the leafy or flowering part of a plant in fresh or dried forms with aromatic essence. They are famous for medicinal purposes, as fragrances, or as flavoring agents.

 best herbs for beard growth,

Now the question is, is herbs are good for beard growth?

The best herbs for beard growth would be the ones that boost hair follicles for beard regrowth, improve blood circulation, and impact hormones like testosterone and DHT. Beard growth depends on factors like hormones, stress levels, age, lifestyle, ethnicity, diet, etc. Herbs are good for beard growth, but we can expect it when considering all other factors too.

Now let us discuss herbs beneficial for beard growth which are safer than chemical-based beard products, inexpensive, and have fewer side effects and complications.

Best herbs for beard growth:

Here I have shared the 10 best herbs for beard growth. All might not help regrowth but will affect other factors. If you are a beginner, click here for a complete beard care guide.

1. Henna

Henna(Lawsonia inermis) is a famous herb for beard growth, widely used for dyeing hair and beards. But do you know apart from natural dyeing beards, henna is beneficial for beards in several ways?

henna herbs for beard growth

Henna has antifungal properties that help to prevent beard dandruff and maintain the PH level of the skin underneath.

It also soothes skin and calms itchiness. The regular henna application can cure split ends and make your beard shiny, healthy, and thick.

How to use henna for a beard:

  • Soak the organic henna powder in black tea overnight.
  • It would be better to soak it in the iron pan(enhance benefits).
  • Mix the paste properly, add a few drops of lemon juice and apply.
  • Let it sit for 1 hour at least, then rinse it with lukewarm water.

Side effects of Henna:

  • Henna is safe for every skin type. But make sure you are purchasing authentic henna powder. For people with super sensitive skin, do a patch test before applying it to your entire beard.

2. Rosemary

Rosemary is a popular shrub consumed in diets or used topically via essential oils. These are high in vitamins like Pantothenic Acid, Niacin, Thiamin, Folate, and Riboflavin which promote hair growth. 

best remedy for beard growth

Rosemary has a lot of benefits for beards. It has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, which help combat beard dandruff, infections, and inflammations and stimulates beard growth.

According to a study, rosemary helps to prevent hair loss. Also, it is a natural herb for facial hair growth, which reduces stress and anxiety and promotes beard growth. 

How to use rosemary for beards:

  • Take rosemary essential oil and the carrier oil of your choice
  • Always mix it in a ratio of 2:10. 2 drops of essential oil in 10 drops of carrier oil.
  • You can use coconut oil, jojoba oil, or sweet almond oil as a carrier oil. They help in beard growth too.
  • Mix it and apply it after you wash your beard. You can also leave it overnight.

Side effects of Rosemary:

  • Rosemary essential oil can cause irritation and skin allergies if used directly. So always dilute it before use.
  • Adding dry rosemary shrubs to your diet is different but never ingest rosemary oil. It can lead to vomiting, breathing difficulties, and allergies.

3. Fenugreek

Fenugreek seeds or methi is a herb widely used in medicines and cooking. 

They are the best remedy for improving digestion, metabolism, cholesterol, blood pressure, inflammation, and overall health. 

best remedy for beard growth

Also, the study says it helps to control blood glucose in diabetic patients.

Apart from this, fenugreek is high in iron, vitamin c, potassium, nicotinic acid, lecithin, antecedent, and protein, which helps with hair growth and rebuilding the hair follicles.

It helps to treat beard dandruff, itching, and irritation and reduces skin flaking. Also, it is beneficial for hair regrowth, though limited studies have proven this.

How to use fenugreek on beard:

  • You can use it as an oil or mask. For oiling, you can use fenugreek oils present in the market after washing your beard.
  • For a beard mask, soak fenugreek overnight and make a paste. Apply that paste for 20-30 minutes, then rinse it with water.
  • You can also consume the seeds in your diet. It can help you with improving metabolism and overall health.

Side effects of fenugreek:

  • There are no side effects of fenugreek when used topically. But make sure to soak them before using them because they are a hot ingredient.
  • Consuming fenugreek seeds in large quantities can lead to Diarrhea, Allergic reaction, Low blood sugar, Wheezing, Unusual body odor, Loss of consciousness, Asthma, and Gas.

4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a popular plant known for its soothing and healing properties. The herb has been an ailment for treating inflammation, irritation, wounds, and internal health for years.

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But can we use aloe vera for beard growth?

Aloe vera helps the beard by soothing irritation and treating dandruff, inflammation, and itching by deep conditioning.

Your nourished hair follicles add shine to the beard that looks healthy and thicker. Despite not helping you regrow your beard, it cures the factors that hinder it.

In addition to vitamins A, C, and E, it contains amino acids and salicylic acid.

Apart from this, aloe vera is antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antifungal that helps to treat acne, dry skin, flaking, and itching, restore damaged skin cells and remove dead ones.

How to use aloe vera on beards:

  • Aloe vera is present in every market. Either use them or make your aloe vera plant. 
  • The best way to use it is using it as an aftershave. After shaving or trimming, apply a thin layer of aloe vera. It will soothe your skin and prevent razor burns.

Side effects of aloe vera:

  • There are no side effects of aloe vera when used topically. But consumption of aloe vera juice can be dangerous for your health.
  • Aloe vera juice consumption can drop your potassium levels and blood sugar, which can cause irregular heartbeat and weakness.
  • It can cause allergic reactions like rashes, itching, difficulty breathing, hives, swelling of the face, lips, or mouth, and throat irritation.

5. Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba is a herb rich in flavonoids, terpenoids, and antioxidants that help prevent oxidative cell damage from harmful free radicals. It comes in various forms like liquid extract, capsules, and tablets. 

best herbs for beard growth

According to the research, Ginkgo biloba can help improve blood circulation and accelerate hair growth when applied topically and ingested systematically.

The plant is high in amino acids like arginine, methionine, and cystine, which improve blood flow to the hair follicles.

The ginkgo leaf extract has quercetin and kaempferol, which help fight free radicals and may reduce signs of skin aging. Also, its usage with green tea can improve skin elasticity.

Though no studies are present on ginkgo biloba’s effects on beard health, I recommend consulting a doctor before starting any medication or topical application. 

How to use Ginkgo Biloba for beards:

  • You can either take prescribed medicine or apply leaf extract to your beard. But never take it without consulting your doctor.
  • The recommended dosage limit of ginkgo Biloba is 120-240mg after breakfast. 

Side effects of Gingko biloba:

  • If you are going to ingest it, never go beyond the limit. Also, it can cause Headaches, Dizziness, Heart palpitations, Upset stomach, Constipation, and Allergic skin reactions.
  • If you take any blood-thinning medicine, do not take ginkgo because it also resonates with such properties.
  • Never ingest raw or roasted ginkgo seeds. They can be poisonous.

6. Peppermint

Peppermint is the main ingredient in the medicine, cosmetics, and food industries. If we consider it for beard, peppermint essential oils are in trend.

best remedy for beard growth

According to research, peppermint oil diluted at 3% stimulates hair follicles, possibly accelerating beard growth.

Peppermints are antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. It has the potential to improve blood flow and soothe inflamed skin. Also, it helps to cure itching and beard dandruff and prevents hair loss, which proves that peppermint is the best remedy for beard growth.

How to use peppermint for beards:

  • The best way to use peppermint for beards is by using its essential oil. But make sure you always dilute it before using it on the skin. 
  • Take 1 oz of carrier oil. It can be jojoba, coconut, or argan oil. Add 15-18 drops of peppermint essential oil in it.
  • Use this mixture as a beard oil whenever you cleanse your face.

Side effects of peppermint:

  • Oral consumption of peppermint oil can cause nausea, heartburn, abdominal pain, and dry mouth.
  • People with enzyme deficiency, called G6PD, must avoid using peppermint in aromatherapy.

7. Lavender

Lavender is a famous plant used in various forms like dried flowers, essential oils, capsules, and teas for ages. 

natural herbs for facial hair growth

It is known for its fragrance and color but has much more to serve. It is one of the best natural herbs for facial hair growth.

For beard growth, we use lavender essential oils.

According to a study, when 86 people with hair loss problems used a blend of thyme, rosemary, lavender, and cedarwood oils in carrier oils like jojoba and grapeseed, they experienced an improvement in their condition.

Though, we cannot say it was only because of lavender oil.

Apart from this, lavender oil contains linalool and linalyl acetate, which helps cure the skin issues like eczema, dermatitis, acne, psoriasis, itching, and rashes.

How to use lavender for a beard:

  • You can use lavender essential oil in diluted form. The recommended dosage is 0.5-2% lavender oil in 1 oz. of carrier oil.
  • If you have sensitive skin, always consult a doctor before usage.
  • Another way is to use a few drops of lavender oil in a diffuser for aromatherapy. Aromatherapy will help reduce stress and anxiety, which is also crucial for beard growth.

Side effects of lavender:

  • Do not ingest lavender oil. It can be poisonous. You may suffer from vomiting, nausea, headache, and other adverse effects.
  • Always dilute essential oil before applying it to the skin. It will harm your skin if directly used.

8. Saw palmetto 

The saw palmetto is a tree native to southeast North America. 

Saw palmetto produces dark berries, which have been used for nutritional, diuretic, sedative, aphrodisiac, and cough-reducing properties.

natural herbs for facial hair growth

People eat whole or dried berries or make tea. Its tablet and capsules are also available in the market. It is one of the best remedies for beard growth.

According to Healthline, Saw palmetto can cure androgenic alopecia. It is a kind of baldness that happens because of an enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone.

High levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or androgen are responsible for the shortening and thinning of hair.

In this way, we can expect better beard growth using saw palmetto, which blocks enzymes and protects testosterone levels, which is crucial for beard growth.

How to use Saw palmetto for beard:

  • Though people were consuming dried or raw saw palmetto, I do not recommend it because no studies support its safety.
  • The saw palmetto tea and supplement are safe. Still, I recommend consulting a doctor before use.

Side effects of saw palmetto:

  • The saw palmetto supplement is safe. Still, some people may suffer diarrhea, headache, fatigue, decreased libido, nausea, vomiting, and vertigo. 
  • In some isolated cases, side effects like liver damage, pancreatitis, and bleeding in the brain, deaths have occurred. So never start any herbal supplement by yourself. Consultation is a must.

9. Ginseng

Ginseng is a fork-shaped root with oval-shaped leaves used in dietary supplements, food, and medicines in china and Korea. They are of different types based on the presence of ginsenosides and gintonin.

natural herbs for facial hair growth

Ginseng helps lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, reducing stress, and promoting energy levels.

Some studies claim ginseng’s hair growth potential and treat alopecia areata. In that manner, we can say it might be helpful in beard growth.

No study claims its benefit for beard growth. But people take supplements with ginseng and biotin extracts to improve their beard health.

You can do the same but make sure you are taking prescribed supplements.

How to use ginseng for a beard:

  • Taking ginseng supplements with other beard-growing ingredients or using a beard oil containing ginseng extract is the best method for using ginseng.
  • I would recommend never starting any supplement without consultation.

Side effects of ginseng:

  • Ginseng is safe to consume, but people have suffered side effects like headaches, sleep problems, High or low blood pressure, blood sugar changes, rapid heartbeat, skin reaction, and diarrhea.

10.Oriental Arborvitae:

Oriental arborvitae is a natural herb for facial hair growth found in Korea, japan, and china. Its leaves and seeds have medicinal properties.

best herbs for beard growth

According to WebMD, oriental arborvitae helps in treating androgenic alopecia. Also, it helps with factors like anxiety, headaches, insomnia, inflammation, constipation, and more which are crucial for beard health.

No study has proven its benefits for beard regrowth, but it helps improve other factors discussed above.

How to use Oriental Arborvitae for beard:

  • The best and the only way to use it is by consuming its tea. People recommend tea with 6-15 grams of a leafy twig. It is unsafe if taken in large amounts in the long run.
  • No study claims its benefits if used topically. I recommend avoiding using topically and beyond the limit.

Side effects of Oriental arborvitae:

  • Restlessness, tremors, kidney damage, seizures, mental changes, vomiting, and dizziness are side effects if you take it beyond the limit for a long time.


The best herbs for beard growth would be the one that provides a healthy environment for the beard. 

It may help improve blood circulation, rebuild hair follicles, boost beard growth hormones, combat beard problems, and relieve stress and anxiety.

You must not solely rely on herbs for a beard because beard texture and growth depend on factors like diet, hormones, stress levels, habits, lifestyle, and genetics.

Also, before using any herbs topically or ingesting them, always consult your doctor because every natural thing is not a boon for you.

FAQs: Best herbs for beard growth

What are the best remedies for facial hair?

The best natural way to stimulate beard growth is by consuming a balanced diet, using herbs for beard growth, exercising, meditating, and avoiding smoking and chemical-based products.

What vitamin stimulates facial hair growth?

Vitamins and minerals like vitamins A, B, C, D, E, Biotin, magnesium, omega-3, calcium, iron, selenium, and zinc promote beard growth.
Check the complete guide: Mandatory vitamins for beard growth.

Is it possible to regrow facial hair?

The beard hair fall or patchy beard occurs due to genes, hormones, diet, stress, chemical-based products, and age. Genes and age are beyond our control, but we can enrich our diet, which increases testosterone, and exercise, which improves blood flow and reduces stress.
So to some extent, we can say facial regrowth is possible.

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