Does micro-needling work for beard growth? 2024

There are people with lustrous beards with minimal effort and some who struggle to cover that patchiness and attain their beard growth even after trying the best possible beard care tools.

In the quest to achieve a thicker, fuller beard, they try various methods and techniques.

One method that is gaining attention nowadays is micro needling. But the question is, does micro-needling work for beard growth?

A black man using micro-needling for beard growth

Micro-needling may or may not work for beard growth. It is a process where we create micro-injuries through a derma or beard roller. When these injuries heal, they stimulate collagen and elastin production. It may lead to improved hair follicle health and enhanced beard growth.

According to a 2013 study, micro-needling, when used along with minoxidil, resulted in better hair growth in the case of androgenetic alopecia than minoxidil alone.

However, no study suggests that microneedling helps beard growth. Beard growth depends on hormone levels (testosterone and DHT), lifestyle, genetics, stress levels, sleep patterns, and more.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into the facts of microneedling and explore its effectiveness in promoting beard growth.

What is micro-needling?

Micro-needling or collagen induction therapy is a cosmetic procedure where a device with fine needles is used to create tiny, controlled punctures in the skin.

micro-needling work for beard growth

The device is known as a derma roller or beard roller. It usually comes in beard growth kits.

Micro-needling is used by women to address concerns like fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, stretch marks, enlarged pores, uneven skin tone and texture, and skin laxity.

The idea behind microneedling is to stimulate the body’s natural wound-healing process, which leads to collagen and elastin production that helps to keep the skin firm and youthful.

Nowadays, it has gained popularity to enhance beard growth, where the beard roller is gently rolled or stamped across the skin, creating thousands of microscopic channels.

When those injuries start healing, the blood flow of that area rushes and improves nutritional flow. It may lead to improved hair follicle health and enhanced beard growth.

Does micro-needling work for beard growth?  

As I said before, the effectiveness of microneedling for beard growth can vary from person to person.

Beard growth depends on age, genetics, hormones, nutritional factors, lifestyle, stress levels, sleep cycle, etc.

a black man using beard roller on his beard

However, micro-needling may help people with sedentary lifestyles as it can help boost blood flow and nutrition to that area, leading to better beard growth.

To understand how microneedling works for beard growth, we must know the science behind it.

Microneedling helps to stimulate the skin’s natural healing response, which includes the production of collagen and the release of growth factors. 

Collagen is a protein responsible for skin and hair strength.

When applied to the beard area, microneedling rejuvenates the skin and increases blood flow to the hair follicles. 

The improved circulation enhances nutrient delivery to the hair follicles, potentially promoting thicker and healthier beard growth.

Additionally, the micro-injuries created by microneedling may break down scar tissue or blockages in hair follicles, allowing for the unhindered growth of beard hair.

How to use a derma roller for beard growth?

Using a derma roller for beard growth is a popular technique that involves microneedling to stimulate hair follicles and promote beard thickness and density. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to use a derma roller for your beard:

1. Choose the Right Derma Roller:

According to experts, you must consider three things while choosing a beard roller for micro-needling:

  • The needle length should lie between 0.25 mm and 0.5 mm.
  • Do not go with a cheaper derma roller with stainless steel blades. Use a derma roller made with titanium material.
  • Never buy a derma roller with maximum needles. We usually think a beard roller with more needles is more effective. You can choose between 192 needles or 540 needles.

2. Prepare Your Skin:

Clean your beard thoroughly with a mild facial cleanser to remove dirt, oils, or impurities. 

Microneedling tends to puncture the skin surface, and when dirt or oil resides there for long, it may lead to acne or other skin infections. 

3. Sanitize the Derma Roller:

Cleaning the derma roller before every use is crucial, otherwise, it can enhance the chances of infections.

Soak the derma roller head in a sanitizing solution (e.g., isopropyl alcohol) for 10-15 minutes.

4. Numbing Cream (Optional):

As the name suggests, numbing cream helps to numb that area to prevent pain or discomfort.

If you have sensitive skin, you can use it to minimize discomfort during micro-needling. Also, read the instructions before using numbing cream.

However, this step is optional. If you can bear slight pain or have normal skin, skip this step.

5. Begin Microneedling:

  • Hold the derma roller with gentle, even pressure.
  • Start rolling vertically (up and down) on one area of your beard about 5-10 times.
  • Then, use it horizontally (side to side) on the same area for another 5-10 times.
  • Finally, use it diagonally (at an angle) for another 5-10 times.
  • Repeat this process for each section of your beard that you wish to treat.
  • You can also use your tongue from the inside to push and support that area.

6. Be Gentle:

Do not apply too much pressure or excessive force. The needles still puncture the skin’s surface, even if you are not feeling pain.

Be gentle, and remember that controlled movements are the key to avoiding unnecessary skin irritation.

Be cautious around sensitive areas such as the lips and under the eyes. Avoid microneedling in these areas.

7. Post-Rolling Care:

  • After microneedling, your skin may appear red and feel slightly irritated. It is normal and should subside within a few hours.
  • Apply a soothing, alcohol-free moisturizer to your beard to keep it hydrated.
  • Avoid harsh skincare products, including exfoliants or alcohol-based products, for 24-48 hours.

8. Follow Safety Guidelines:

  • Always follow safety precautions and guidelines provided by the derma roller manufacturer.
  • If you experience excessive redness, swelling, or any signs of infection, consult a dermatologist or healthcare professional.

A derma roller for beard growth can be effective when done correctly and with patience. In addition, a clean and hygienic beard care routine is crucial to minimize the risk of infections and skin irritations.

How often should you microneedle for beard growth?

Firstly, I suggest using a derma roller with a needle size of 0.25mm or 0.5 mm.

For a 0.25mm needle size, you can use a derma roller 2-3 times a week. But for a 0.5mm needle-sized beard roller, use it twice a week.

Avoid more frequent use to prevent overstimulation and potential skin damage.

How long does microneedling take to work for beard growth?

Beard growth is not a child’s play. It requires a lot of patience and dedication. 

Along with them, you must take care of several factors like vitamins for beards, sleep patterns, stress levels, habits, and active lifestyle.

In addition, hormones like testosterone for beards and DHT play a crucial role in beard growth. And there is a role of your ancestors too.

Microneedling is a medium to improve blood and nutritional flow in that area by stimulating the body’s healing process, which may work for thick beard growth.

We can not promise better beard growth after using beard rollers. But certainly, you can expect changes in 4 to 6 months after consistent usage.

How to clean the derma roller?

Cleaning the derma roller is crucial to maintain hygiene and prevent potential skin infections and allergies. Here’s how you can clean your beard roller effectively:

Materials required:

  • Mild liquid soap
  • Warm water
  • A small bowl or container
  • A clean towel or paper towels
  • Isopropyl alcohol for disinfection (optional)

Step-by-Step Cleaning Process:

1. Prepare a Cleaning Solution:

  • Take a small bowl with warm water.
  • Add a few drops of liquid soap and mix the solution. Ensure the soap is gentle and free of harsh chemicals.

2. Remove the Roller Head:

  • Carefully detach the roller head from the handle or device if it’s removable. It allows you to clean both parts thoroughly.

3. Submerge the Roller Head:

  • Place the roller head into the soapy water solution.

4. Gently Agitate and Soak:

  • Swirl the roller head in the soapy water, ensuring the soapy solution covers the entire roller head. It will help loosen any debris or residue.

5. Clean the Handle (if applicable):

  • If the handle or device has come into contact with your skin or beard, wipe it down with a clean, damp cloth to remove any residue or soap.

6. Rinse Thoroughly:

  • After soaking for a few minutes, remove the roller head from the soapy water.

7. Rinse with Clean Water:

  • Wash the roller head thoroughly under warm, running water to remove any soap residue. Continue rinsing until the water runs clear.

8. Pat Dry:

  • Gently pat the roller head dry using a paper tissue. Ensure it’s dry before reassembling or storing.

9. Optional Disinfection (Recommended):

  • To further ensure hygiene, you can disinfect the roller head. Dip it in a small container filled with isopropyl alcohol for 10-15 minutes.
  • Take it from the alcohol and let it air dry completely.

10. Reassemble and Store:

  • Reassemble the roller head with the handle or device.
  • Store your clean and dry beard roller in a clean, dry place. Avoid exposing it to moisture or dust.

Additional Tips:

  • Clean your beard roller immediately after each use to prevent dried blood, oils, or debris from accumulating.
  • Never share your beard roller with others without proper cleaning and disinfection.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals, bleach, or abrasive scrubbing pads to clean your roller, as they can damage the needles and affect their effectiveness.

Regularly cleaning and maintaining your beard roller ensures that it remains safe and effective for promoting beard growth while reducing the risk of skin irritation or infections.

Is microneedling better than minoxidil? Can we use them combined?

a man using a derma roller with beard oils

Microneedling and minoxidil are two distinct approaches to promoting beard growth, and their effectiveness can vary from person to person. 

Which one is “better” than the other depends on individual preferences, goals, and factors such as skin sensitivity.

Microneedling involves creating tiny punctures on the skin surface using a tool. It stimulates collagen production and the body’s natural healing response and can enhance hair follicle health.

On the other hand, minoxidil is a topical solution that is applied directly to the beard area. It improves blood flow and the growth phase of the hair.

Micro-needling is more painful than topical minoxidil but has minimal side effects when done correctly. There is no absorption mechanism, and it is time-consuming.

Minoxidil may provide fast results with minimum discomfort but has more side effects than microneedling.

Some people consider using both of them combined to boost their effectiveness. However, no study proves that they work wonders.

I recommend consulting with a dermatologist or healthcare professional to discuss which method aligns best with your goals and skin type.

Still, if you consider using them combined, do not apply minoxidil just after microneedling. 

Wait for at least 24 hours between both procedures. It may lead to burns when you apply minoxidil on fresh punctures.

What are the risks of microneedling? 

Derma roller side effects are usually mild and temporary. It’s crucial to be aware of these side effects to take proper precautions.

side view of a sad man

Here are some common side effects of using a beard roller:


The treated area typically turns red or flushes after using a beard roller. 

Usually, this redness lasts from a few hours to a day. Long-lasting redness can happen due to skin sensitivity or too much rolling pressure.

Itching or a tingling sensation:

It might be a sign of mild skin irritation, which some people may experience. Within a short while, this irritation ought to pass. Do not rub or scratch the treated area.


However, this one is usually mild and transient. It happens due to the body’s natural healing process in reaction to the tiny wounds the beard roller causes. 

Within a day or two, swelling ought to go down.

Dryness and flaking: 

Following microneedling, your skin may become dry or flaky. 

It is a typical side effect of the skin’s natural healing process. You can reduce it by applying a light moisturizer to keep the skin moist.

Sensitivity to Products: 

Your skin may become more sensitive to skincare products.

For a few days after microneedling, do not use harsh or powerful skincare products, such as retinoids or chemical exfoliants.


In some circumstances, bruising may happen, especially if you put too much pressure when rolling. 

Most bruises are minor and will go away with time. To reduce this possibility, use the beard roller gently.

Infection (Rare):

Although infections are uncommon, they might occur if you are not following adequate hygiene standards.

Before beginning treatment, your face, beard roller, and hands must be clean. Also, clean the roller before and after usage to lower the risk of infection.

Allergic Reactions (Rare): 

Some people may be allergic to the components of the beard roller, including the needles or the coating on the roller. 

Stop using the product instantly if you experience severe itching, hives, or swelling.

Consult a dermatologist or other healthcare provider if you develop severe or persistent side effects or have questions about the procedure.

Are microneedling results permanent?

Microneedling results are not permanent; they are semi-permanent. 

Collagen production stimulated by microneedling can improve skin texture, reduce scars, and promote hair growth but diminishes over time. 

Periodic follow-up treatments are typically needed to maintain and extend the results.


Which derma roller is best for beard growth?   

A derma roller with needle lengths between 0.25 mm and 0.5 mm is best for beard growth. This length effectively stimulates hair follicles without causing excessive discomfort or risk of damage.

Does microneedling thicken the beard?

Microneedling can thicken the beard by stimulating collagen production and enhancing blood flow to hair follicles. However, results vary among individuals, and consistency in treatment sessions is the key.

Can micro needling damage hair?

Usually, microneedling does not damage existing hair. It helps to promote hair growth and improve hair follicle health. However, if you apply excessive pressure or incorrect technique, there is a risk of causing damage.

How long does micro needling take to work for beard growth?

The time it takes to see noticeable results from microneedling for beard growth can vary. Some individuals may notice improvements after a few weeks to months of consistent treatment sessions.

Is 0.5 mm derma roller effective for beard growth?

A 0.5mm derma roller is generally effective for beard growth. It is long enough to stimulate hair follicles but not so long that it causes significant discomfort or risk of injury. However, results may still vary among individuals.

Can I use a 0.5 derma roller every day?

No. One must not use a 0.5mm derma roller every day. Microneedling requires proper spacing between sessions to allow the skin to heal and avoid overstimulation. Typically, sessions are spaced every 2-4 weeks, depending on individual tolerance and goals.

Wrap up: 

Microneedling is a promising option for those seeking to enhance their beard growth. While it may not work overnight, consistent sessions with a qualified professional can lead to thicker and fuller beard growth.

Remember to consult a healthcare provider or dermatologist before embarking on any microneedling journey.

In conclusion, microneedling can indeed work for beard growth, provided it is performed correctly and with patience. It’s a valuable tool in the pursuit of the perfect beard.

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