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Can You Get a Facial With a Beard? If you love your long, bushy beard but want to add a facial to your skincare without disturbing it, you are at the right place.

Before adding a facial to your regimen, you should know what a facial is. A facial is a treatment performed by licensed professionals to address the skin.
It includes many steps like cleansing, exfoliation, massaging, extraction, and masking.
Some men have long and bushy stubble, and they are curious to know whether they have to clean-shaven it or trim it before facial or not.
So the answer is simple, you can get a facial with your beard on. Even it does not matter whether you are getting it with a beard or not. What matters is you are adding facials to your skincare.
Keep reading this blog to find everything you need to explore about getting a facial with a beard. Here you will learn the process, benefits, and much more.
Can you get a facial with a beard? : Myth buster
It is a myth that you should not get a facial with a beard. It may weaken your follicles, and damage your beard. But it is not like that.
We consider clean-shaven before the facial as it helps to reach the skin more effectively. It helps to remove dead skin and penetrate the product deeply. Also, the absorption of the product nourishes better.
When you keep the beard on, the hair absorbs a small amount of the product and does not reach the skin.
These are the only reasons we consider shaving before a facial. Facial does not affect the beard but makes it smoother and helps in growth. You can add facial without thinking twice. It will give nothing but benefits.
Benefits of getting a facial:
Here I have discussed various factors you should know before a facial. These are the positive factors. Later we will discuss the negative one too.
For a better experience and better result, I would suggest clean-shaven your beard. Still, it is up to your choice which facials will benefit you in every sense.

Acne fighting
A facial helps to fight acne. In the process of facial, exfoliation helps to remove the dirt and liquid trapped in your skin.
As we know, these are the main reason behind acne. Also, it helps to prevent ingrown hair that comes out like a pimple.
In some facials, Steam helps to open the pores and loosen the dirt. When exfoliated, impurities come out and prevent acne and pimples.
When you grow old, collagen levels decrease. Collagen is a protein found in muscles, bones, tendons, blood vessels, and the digestive system.
The low levels of collagen make your skin age. Some signs like wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging of the face are things you would notice.
A facial could help to stimulate the levels of collagen. Some facial creams have hyaluronic acids, vitamin c, and antioxidants that help to boost collagen levels.
Ultimately your skin would look shiny and young.
When you add facials to your skincare, you have already taken a step towards glowing skin.
The facial not only fulfills the deficiency of vitamin C in your skin but also makes it bright. Also, rejuvenate the skin.
You will feel new skin after every facial. It makes the skin alive.
Prevent Dryness
The third step of the facial is moisturizing. Here we take moisturizer and apply it in a circular direction. The cream gently massages the whole face and nourishes it.
The products we use generally contain sulfates and parabens. These products make our skin dry and flaky. The facial nourishes the skin and makes it hydrated.
Prevent Tanning
In today’s world, sun exposure is nothing new. Whether we are going out of work or fulfilling our hobbies, everybody is facing a suntan.
If you say you use a beard mask, and sunscreen for your protection then, let me tell you that sunscreen protects you from 90% UVB rays.
That 10% can be harmful and makes your skin tanned and dull. You cannot ignore your work but can avoid tanning.
Anti-tanning facials are very popular and help to reduce sunburns and tanning.
Improve shaving experience
The facial can improve the shaving experience. It helps to release the trapped ingrown hairs.
Also, it removes dry, dead skin. Facial makes the skin smooth and, when you shave, you get a closer shave. It improves the overall experience.
Remove Blackheads
The fourth step is extraction. Here we use some tools to remove impurities from the nose, chin, forehead, etc.
Steam helps to loosen dirt and blackheads. With the help of the extractor, we remove the blackhead and step forth toward clear skin.
Deep Cleansing
Even after cleaning your face daily, we found the tissue with lots of dirt in the salon. Daily cleaning is not enough to get glowy skin.
A facial helps in deep cleansing. Doing once a month would be better than nothing.
A facial will improve the overall health of the skin.
Exfoliation is nothing but the removal of impurities from the pores. You can do it at home using a scrubber or making an exfoliator with sugar or coffee.
Also, you can try it at some salons. It will be better than at-home treatments.
If you have sensitive skin, do not prefer shaving before your facial. When the product touches recently shaved areas, there is a risk of skin irritation.
Improve beard growth
The facial helps in revitalizing the dormant hair follicles. It improves hair growth and prevents hair loss.
Also, facial makes it healthier than before by increasing the blood circulation of the face.
The facial is like therapy. It improves blood circulation and makes your mind relax. Doing facials twice a month would be enough to relax our muscles.
Relaxation is necessary for today’s hectic lifestyle. Facial relaxes your mind and increases your productivity.
Also, you will be able to do the work in a more focused manner.
Steps Professional follows to get a facial with a beard.
There are five mandatory steps that every professional follows for doing facials. It includes cleansing, exfoliation, moisturizing, extractions, and face packs.
It is recommended not to miss a single step. Every step you take is a step towards glowing skin.
Cleansing is the first step where a cleanser according to your skin type is used. Some professional still use a steamer to loosen the dirt but some has stopped doing it.
After steaming, professionals take a small amount of cleanser and wash it off with water. Then they apply it in a circular motion. And they wash it off with water.
They pat dry your face and apply a toner.
It helps to remove bacteria, pollutants, viruses, dirt, and old (dead) skin cells from our faces. Here, I have listed some best cleansers in the market.
In this process, professionals use scrubbers or sometimes brushes on your face to remove dirt and oil from your face. They do not rub it with force but apply it gently in a circulation motion.
They recommend exfoliating twice a week would be enough to find glowing skin. When experts use the brush, they make sure to apply short, light strokes.
If you want to exfoliate at home, you can use natural exfoliants like baking soda, finely ground sugar, coffee grounds with finely ground almonds, oatmeal, finely ground sea salt, and cinnamon.
In the market, there are lots of exfoliants available with good ratings:
In this step, Experts use moisturizers to prevent dryness of the skin. They take a good amount of the product that contains glycerine, lactic acid, and lanolin. And apply all over the face.
It helps to reduce irritation and create a barrier between your skin and climate including, cold, dry air that can further dry out the skin.
You can go with natural moisturizers like honey, aloe vera, glycerine, coconut oil, and shea butter.
If you want some moisturizers on amazon, then go with the following:
It is the removal of clogged or trapped pores by manual or mechanical tools. When done right, it helps to remove comedones, whiteheads, and blackheads. And give your skin a clear, fresher foundation for your skincare products to penetrate.
Here experts use extraction tools to remove unwanted impurities.
If you are a new bee, do this under supervision or, you may hurt yourself.
You can use the following tools to extract blackheads or whiteheads or go with a charcoal peel mask. Mask would be safer than using a kit.
Face mask
Face masking is the last step of skincare. In this step, experts use a clay mask, cream mask, sheet mask, and peel-off mask according to the need of the skin.
Face masks allow products to penetrate deep into pores and give the instant effect people are looking for, although the glow can be temporary.
You can DIY your face mask at home or can buy it on amazon. Following the facemask I would like to recommend:
Should I get a home facial or see an expert?
It is totally up to you. If your budget allows you, you must get a facial at the salon at one time at least. This one-time facial will give you a lot of knowledge and, you can do it by yourself next time.
It will cost you nothing if you use the home-based skincare product that I have listed above. Plus, home-based skin care products will never react to your skin as they are natural and contain no parabens or sulfates.
If your budget doesn’t allow you, you can watch videos on YouTube. And try out facials with natural ingredients.
How frequently should I get a facial?
Professionals recommend getting a facial every 4-6 weeks enough. Doing it more does not make your skin more beautiful but doing it right and within the limit would do wonders for your skin.
There is a skin’s life cycle. Every month skin cells are getting dead and renewing. To find your glowing skin, doing a facial once a month would be enough.
Facial before or after the shave: which one is better?

Again it depends on you. The only difference between getting a facial with a beard or without it is product penetration.
We consider clean-shaven before the facial as it helps to reach the skin more effectively. It helps to remove dead skin and penetrate the product deeply. Also, the absorption of the product nourishes better.
When you keep the beard on, the hair absorbs a small amount of the product and does not reach the skin.
If you want to clean your shave before a facial, do it the night before to avoid irritation. Shaving is a natural exfoliant and, when you put the product on the shaven area, you may feel the burn.
From where can I get a facial?
I would recommend three places to get a facial:
If you live in new york city or Los Angeles, this place is for you. It is the best place for people having sensitive skin. They use natural products which may rarely react.
Silver mirror:
Silver mirror is a place that uses cutting-edge technologies like LED light therapy and oxygen. If you live in New York City, Washington, and DC, you can give it a try.
If you are a new bee and want to try inexpensive and customizable services, this place is for you. Facehaus is available in new york city, Dallas, and Los Angeles.
Yes, you can get a facial with the beard. Facial does not affect the beard but makes it smoother and helps in growth. You can add facial without thinking twice. It will give nothing but benefits.
The only difference between getting a facial with a beard or without it is product penetration.
We consider clean-shaven before the facial as it helps to reach the skin more effectively and nourishes better. When you keep the beard on, the hair absorbs a small amount of the product and does not reach the skin.
FAQs: Can You Get a Facial With a Beard?
Are the facial treatments worth it?
Yes, it is worth the money. It has many advantages like reducing Stress, Cleanse and Detoxifying, Anti-Aging, Treat Acne, and Eliminate Under Eye Bags.
If you are not sure to give a facial a try, DIY it at home. It will cost nothing, and you may get an idea about the results of a facial.
What are the disadvantages of facial?
Redness and blotchy skin could be the result if you have sensitive skin. It happens due to the pressure of exfoliation and extraction.
If you are going to get a facial at home, avoid products having sulfates and parabens. It might react to your skin.
How long does a facial last?
Facials have a lot of varieties like deep-cleansing, nourishing, brightening, and anti-aging. These facials last for 60 to 90 min whereas express facials last about 30 minutes.
Kayden is an entrepreneur, writer, hairstylist working in a professional salon. He specializes in men’s grooming. He loves to blog about beards, hairstyles, and skincare.